
Gospel-Centered Counseling: How Christ Changes Lives is unavailable, but you can change that!

Everyone talks about the personal ministry of the Word, but how do we make one-another ministry truly biblical? Gospel-Centered Counseling equips readers to change lives with Christ’s changeless truth. It does so by examining life’s seven ultimate questions and then guiding readers on a journey that explores the biblical, gospel-centered narrative of: The Word: “What is truth?” “Where can I...

• The Church: “What is God doing in the world today through his people?” “How can we help one another to change?” • Consummation: “Where are we headed?” “How does our future destiny impact our present reality?” These are excellent biblically derived questions about life. Through my study of a gospel-centered approach to biblical counseling, I’ve tweaked the ordering and the wording. Together, these eight ultimate-life questions seek to answer the biblical counselor’s foundational question: “What
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